Rozen Maiden is an original and underrated anime with a mystic atmosphere that resembles a renaissance and is combined with some cute things. The story revolves around Jun Sakurada, a hikikomori who receives a doll from a strange website and gets involved in Alice's game, where seven dolls fight among themselves for the right to become Alice. Each doll is imperfect and can become perfect only in the image of Alice. The anime features unique and interesting characters, including the main antagonist Suigintou, who uses feathers as a weapon.
Made in Abyss is an anime series that tells the story of a couple of hearts who wanted to find answers and themselves. It is a beautiful and horrible adventure that takes place in a mysterious abyss filled with treasures and artifacts, but also with aggressive and strong monsters. The deeper you dive into the abyss, the worse the consequences, and only a few people can return from the higher levels. The main character, Rika, is a 12-year-old orphan who embarks on a dangerous journey to find her mother. The series is a spectrum of emotions that will leave you on the border between happiness and despair, hope and doubts, light and dark.
Non Non Biyori is a slice of life anime that teaches us to enjoy little things. The story revolves around the lives of four heroines living in the countryside and their fun activities. The anime is loved for its relatable characters and their stories. The article highlights the importance of enjoying little things and appreciating the beauty of life. The anime may not be for everyone, but it is a must-watch for those who appreciate the genre.